Day 1
Monday, September 21st, 2015
07.45 Registration
08.25 Opening of the Symposium
Session 1. Building the wall
08.30 Natividad Ruiz (Ohio Sate Univ)
Translocation of lipid II across the cytoplasmic membrane
09.00 Eefjan Breukink (Univ Utrecht)
FtsW: transporter of Lipid II
09.30 Poster talk 1: Victoria Lund (Sheffield Univ)
Mapping Growth & Division in Staphylococcus aureus at the nanoscale
09.45 Poster talk 2: Manuel Banzhaf (EMBL)
Dissecting the molecular machinery governing peptidoglycan biogenesis in E. coli
10.00 Coffee and poster
11.00 Michael VanNieuwenhze (Univ Indiana)
Using fluorescent D-amino acids (FDAAs) to elucidate the dynamics of septal PG synthesisin Bacillus subtilis
11.30 Natalie Strynadka (Univ British Columbia)
Structure-based analysis of cell-wall glycosyltransferases
12.00 Lunch
Session 2. Modifying the Wall
14.00 Susanne Walker (Harvard Univ)
A discovery engine for small molecules that target the Staphylococcus aureus cell envelope
14.30 Yves Brun (Indiana Univ)
On bacterial shape: “When you wish upon a star. Your dreams come true”
15.00 Poster Talk 3: Marina Borisova ( Univ Tuebingen)
Accumulation of N-acetylmuramic acid 6-phosphate in murQ mutant demonstrates peptidoglycan recycling in Staphylococcus aureus
15.15 Coffee and Poster
15.45 Poster Talk 4: Nicola Galley (Univ Warwick)
The role of Lipid II amidation in Streptococcus pneumoniae Class A PBP transglycosylase activity
16.00 Felipe Cava (Umea Univ)
Chemometric analysis of bacterial cell walls reveals functional peptidoglycan heterogeneity in Alphaproteobacteria
17.30-20.00 Social event – guided visit of Old Florence
Day 2
Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015
Session 3. Interactions with the wall
09.00 Stéphane Mesnage (Sheffield Univ)
(Bacterial) size matters: control of septum cleavage in Enterococcus faecalis
09.30 Poster talk 5: Jonathan Lenz (Univ Wisconsin – Madison)
Role for N. gonorrhoeae LdcA in NOD1-agonist release and human Fallopian tube inflammatory response
09.45 Poster talk 6: Richard Wheeler (Institut Pasteur)
The peptidoglycan as a signalling molecule in the host
10.00 Coffee and posters
11.00 Sérgio Filipe (Instituto Tecnologia Química e Biológica)
The different roles of S. aureus autolysins in the concealment of peptidoglycan at the bacterial cell surface
11.30 Jean-Pierre Simorre (Institut Biologie Structurale)
Peptidoglycan and specific acyl acceptor recognition by L,D-transpeptidases
12.00 Lunch
Session 4. Inhibition of the wall
14.00 Shahriar Mobashery (Univ Notre Dame)
Cell Wall as Target for Discovery of Novel Antibiotics
14.30 Gerry Wright (McMaster Univ)
Inhibitors of beta-lactamases and rescue of legacy antibiotics
15.00 Poster Talk 7: Danae Morales Angeles (Univ Groningen)
Local differences in Peptidoglycan composition of Bacillus subtilis
15.15 Poster Talk 8: Ry Young (Texas A&M Univ)
Tracking down the target of the MS2 lysis protein L
15.30 Coffee and Posters
16.30 Terry Roemer (Merk USA)
Chemical Biology-mediated identification of a UDP-GlcNAc:UDP-ManNAc epimerase involved in wall teichoic acid biosynthesis
17.00 Tom Bernhardt (Harvard Univ)
Genetic analysis of Escherichia coli cell wall biogenesis
17.30 Keynote Lecture by Waldemar Vollmer in honor of Joachim-Volker Höltje
“Jochen Höltje – Living for Science and Art”
18.30 Posters
20:00 – Cocktail and Gala Diner
Day 3
Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015
Session 5. Regulating the Wall
08.30 Patrick Viollier (Univ Geneva)
Division control in the Chlamydia-related pathogen Waddlia chondrophila
09.00 Tanneke den Blauuwen (Univ Amsterdam)
Stoichiometry and cell age dependent concentration of Eschercihia coli divisome proteins analyzed with Coli-Inspector
09.30 Poster talk 9: Sónia Marisa Castanheiro Dias (Centro Nacional de Biotecnología)
Identification of new enzymes in Salmonella enterica involved in peptidoglycan metabolism
09.45 Poster talk 10: Patrick Moynihan (Univ Birmingham)
Muropeptide recovery in mycobacteria
10.00 Coffee and posters
11.00 Zemer Gitai (Princeton Univ)
MreB localization and dynamics mediate robust rod-like growth in E. coli
11.30 Liz Sockett (Univ Nottingham)
Bdellovibrio:-predatory manipulation of prey-bacterial cell walls without self-damage
12.00 Lunch
Session 6. Coordinating the Wall (with the cell cycle)
14.00 Erin Goley (Johns Hopkins Univ)
FtsZ-mediated regulation of peptidoglycan metabolism in Caulobacter
14.30 Richard Lewis (Newcastle Univ)
The role of individual divisome components in the regulation of peptidoglycan synthesis
15.00 Poster Talk 11: Andrew Gray (Univ California San Francisco)
Coordination of peptidoglycan synthesis and outer membrane constriction during Escherichia coli cell division
15.15 Poster Talk 12: Pavel Branny (Academy of Science of the Czech Republic)
LocZ is a new cell division protein that directs septum placement in Streptococcus pneumoniae
15.30 Coffee
16.30 Christophe Grangeasse (BMSSI, Université Lyon 1, CNRS)
StkP: a kinase to conduct the pneumococcal cell division orchestra
17.00 Marc Bramkamp (Univ Munich)
Organization of cell wall synthesis during elongation and division in actinobacteria
17.30 Closing of the meeting and selection of the next venue